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Raktomokshan Therapy

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Panchkarma is a rejuvenating and cleansing procedure for the body, mind, and awareness. Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth are the five fundamental components that each human is a unique phenomenon that manifests through, according to Ayurvedic teachings

Each person has anique balance of the three doshas (tridosha) that arise from the combination of these elements: Pitta, Kapha, and Vata. Disturbances in this doshic equilibrium lead to dysfunction and eventually illness

As Panchkarma treatment is conducted individually for each person, taking into consideration their unique constitution and specific disease, it requires close monitoring and supervision. Pre-purification techniques known as Snehan and Svedana are the Initial stage in the therapy process. Following that, Shodana cleaning procedures are performed.

Ayurvedic Tridosha: The first step in treating your specific
body imbalance is to understand it

According to its nature, each human constitution has a special vata, pitta and kapha (VPK) balance. The natural order is this VPK equilibrium. An Imbalance results in disorder when this doshic equilibrium is upset.

Disease is chaos, health is order. Because order and disorder constantly interact Inside the body, one can restore order if one comprehends the nature and structure of chaos. According to Ayurveda, disturbance can Include order. In the language of Ayurveda Panchkarma, order is health.

This occurs when the fire of digestion (agni) is balanced when the three waste products (sweat, urine and faeces) are produced and eliminated in a normal manner when the seven bodily tissues (rasa, rakta, mamsa, meda, asthi, majja, and shukra/artava) are operating normally when the mind, senses and consciousness are coordinated.

The Illness (disorder) process starts when there is an imbalance in these systems.

Main Panchkarma Treatment Benifits

  Purge your body and mind of pollutants and harmful environments

  Restore the harmony of your constitution to enhance your overall

  Boost your defences against disease and increase your resistance to it

  Reduce stress's harmful effects on your body and mind to delay the ageing process

  Induce a state of great relaxation and wellbeing


Guidelines for nutrition and
lifestyle during panchkarma

Conventional Ayurveda recommends remain food and chestyle changes an each step of Panchkarma treat ment. Daning the Panchkarma espe streuenis quercise vite nighteou music twin and other stimulating activities.

Aside from being cautious to stay warm and out of the wind, it's also advisable to pay close attention to one's thoughts and sensations during this period.

It is advised to stick to a mono-diet of kitchadi and ghee and to strictly avoid cold beverages, cold meals. caffeine, white sugar, alcohol, recre ational drugs, and dairy products. These activities should not be contin ued until after Panchkarma is completed.

This diet is based on the principle that the digestive fire (agni) rests throughout the cleaning process. Further slowing down the process of digestion is the retum of toxins into the gastrointestinal tract.
